Our Core


Integrity is more than a core value for us. It is our essence and worth. For us, integrity involves setting and maintaining non-negotiable high standards for our practice and services. Integrity involves commitment and dedication to upholding our core values in a sincere, transparent, disciplined, courageous, resilient and ethical manner. We strive to know and do what is right, a delicate and intricate process that involves the balancing of conflicting interests and ends. We set out for excellence on the path of nobility and honor.


Excellence is the symbol of our legal services. At ASALAW LP we are committed to being the best at what we do. We strive to deliver our services with the highest quality of standards. We approach each challenge with a determination to succeed and to break new grounds. For us, the means is as important as the end. We strive to achieve results with distinction in our application of law and service delivery. Our drive for excellence involves a consistent and persistent drive to do things better, paying attention to the gritty detail.


At ASALAW LP, we understand that the client is the underpinning of our existence and is our primary consideration. We realize that providing the required legal solution is important but also that the attitude with which we provide the service is equally important. Our client-focus value is predicated on three (3) sub-values of professionalism, competence, and delivery. Our aim is for clients’ objectives to be met. We are a client-centric firm driven by a passion for excellence in service delivery.


Our teamwork value is predicated on the twin pillars of generality and interdependence. Each member of the firm is important and plays a crucial role, but relies on every other member to function. The former is structured and run in a transparent way, subject to ethical considerations. Each member of the team is disciplined in and committed to the firms’ core values. The team spirit is geared towards a collective goal – providing effective and efficient legal solutions. Like we say, “the job of the assistant is as crucial as that of the principal partner”.

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